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Bound for the Promised Land

December 2, 2022 - December 2, 2029

Harriet Tubman event poster with headshot of woman below

Harriet Tubman is an extraordinary historical figure. Born enslaved, she rose up and out of the most extraordinarily oppressive circumstances to become a symbol for the fight for freedom, equality, justice, and self-determination. Her values—love of family, devotion to faith, and community service—are what Americans hold dear. Since her death in 1913, Tubman’s importance has grown dramatically, especially in the past twenty years. Her story, her legacy, is so powerful that her image may grace our $20 bill in the near future.

Who was she? Where did she come from?  Register today and hear biographer Kate Clifford deliver a deeper view of the real Harriet Tubman – woman, warrior, soldier, activist, and servant leader. A woman for the ages.

This is a prerecorded presentation, upon registering you will be provided with a private link for viewing!

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